Privacy Policy


HiBox AII is committed to protecting your privacy. This privacy policy explains how HiBox AII collects, uses, and discloses your personal information. This privacy policy applies to our application, HiBox AII. By accessing or using our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the collection, storage, use, and disclosure of your personal information as described in this privacy policy and our terms of service.


Effective Date: April 20, 2023


HiBox AII is committed to protecting your privacy. This privacy policy explains how HiBox AII collects, uses, and discloses your personal information. This privacy policy applies to our application, HiBox AII. By accessing or using our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the collection, storage, use, and disclosure of your personal information as described in this privacy policy and our terms of service.


1. Data Collection and Processing through AI Chat

When users access our website, purchase applications or services, whether through the website, within the application or through third-party app stores, or use application or app services, HiBox AI may collect and use the following personal data:

(1) Personal data collected

HiBox AI collects the following categories of personal data through order processes or other forms that may be collected from you:

① Information you provide to us.

When you create an account or profile on the website, order an application, or contact us through the website or application to obtain information or support, we may ask you to provide certain information. This information may include your email address, account name or other personal identifier, order information, purchase tokens, products you have purchased, order date and amount, expiration date, currency code, country code;

② When you visit our website, we automatically collect information.

This information may include your IP address (or other unique device identifiers, including identifiers that we may assign), certain details about your browser, operating system and hardware, your location (if available), the URL that introduced you to our website, your activity on our website including your preferences, and other log information such as the date and time of your visit. We also use web server logs to collect and store information about the use of the service. If applicable, when you access our website through mobile devices such as smartphones, we may also collect additional information from your device, including your location, device identifiers, and information about your mobile network.

③ Information we obtain from your use of our products.

We collect information about the products you use and how you use them, as well as information about your local device, including but not limited to your device information (such as phone model and brand), operating system (system version, ID, and language), IP address, operations, log information (access time, usage time, click operations, crash reports).

④ Third parties may use tracking technologies related to our services, which may include collecting information about your online activities over time and across third-party websites.

This policy does not apply to these third-party technologies, as we may not be able to control them, nor are we responsible for them.


2. Processing purposes and legal basis

HiBox AI uses the information we collect about you for the following purposes:

(1) Identity verification: We use your data to verify your identity when you access your service account (if available).

(2) Operating our service: We use your data to provide our service, process and fulfill orders, provide customer support, and otherwise comply with our contractual obligations to you. We (and/or our third-party providers) use your financial information to process your purchases.

(3) Communication with you: We use your data when we communicate with you (e.g. responding to customer support or other inquiries).

(4) Improving our service: We use your data to understand how our service is used and how we can improve it. Generally, we analyze aggregate data rather than specific user data. However, we may need to analyze specific cases to address specific issues (e.g. errors affecting only a few accounts).

(5) Marketing and advertising: We use your data to show you ads on third-party websites and to send you offers. We may also use your data to provide you with third-party ads. This may include "targeted advertising" based on your activity.

(6) Exercising our rights: In reasonable and necessary circumstances, we use your data to exercise our legal rights and prevent misuse of our service. For example, we may use your data to detect and prevent fraud, spam, or violations of our terms of service.

(7) Legal compliance: We use your data as required by law. For example, we may need to collect your data to respond to subpoenas or court orders.

(8) Protecting your information: In appropriate circumstances, we may anonymize, backup, and delete certain data.

We may use algorithms and other automated means to accomplish any of the above.

If you are a resident of an EU country or the UK, or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the UK General Data Protection Regulations otherwise apply, whenever we process your data for the above purposes, we have identified one or more lawful bases that apply, including compliance with legal obligations, fulfillment of contractual obligations, and legitimate business interests. If none of the aforementioned lawful bases apply, we will not process your personal information for this purpose without your voluntary consent.


3. Sharing Personal Information with Third Parties

For the purposes stated above, we may share your personal information with companies that assist us in operating our business on our behalf. These companies include payment processing service providers, server service providers, data analytics service providers, fraud monitoring and prevention providers, email delivery service providers, social media and other marketing platforms and service providers. We make reasonable efforts to review the privacy and data security practices of our vendors. We require these vendors to agree to protect the data we share with them in accordance with this policy. We will also clarify the privacy policy terms of the vendor with you.


Specifically, HiBox AI may use third-party tracking tools, such as Google Firebase Analytics, to track how users use the products and websites. This information will be stored on third-party servers. These third-party tracking tools may send data analysis reports to HiBox AI for the purposes stated above. These third-party tracking tools include, but are not limited to:


Google Firebase Analytics

HiBox AI may store collected information on servers leased from third-party server providers.


Additionally, HiBox AI may disclose user data to third parties for the following reasons:


If HiBox AI is obligated to disclose or share such personal data to comply with any legal obligation or protect its business, customers or others' rights, property or safety.

To respond to official requests received from government authorities or legal parties, such as court orders, subpoenas, search warrants, national security requests, etc. We process location requests based on user location laws. If the request comes from a foreign jurisdiction, we usually disclose information if we sincerely believe that both jurisdictions allow disclosure. In any case, we may decide to raise or waive any legal objections or rights.

We have reason to believe that someone's life is in danger. For example, if we become aware that someone is threatening to commit suicide, we may share that person's data with appropriate entities that can provide help.

In cases involving legal claims against us or one of our users. If you question such notices, we may share your response with the complainant.

In the event that our company is fully or partially acquired by a third party, we may transact with potential transaction partners, advisers and others. In this case, we will make reasonable efforts to require the acquiring entity to comply with this privacy policy.



Data Transfer Your personal information may be stored on servers located in one or more countries outside of the country where HiBox AI is located, and HiBox AI employees and contractors located in those countries may also access your personal data. By using the application, you consent to the transfer of your information to services or websites located outside of your resident country, which may provide data protection rules that are different and less stringent than those of your country. If you object to the transfer or use of your information as described in this policy, do not use any applications, services or websites, and immediately delete all applications from your user device.



Personal Information Protection HiBox AI uses commercially reasonable and industry-standard security technologies and safeguards to protect user personal data processed by HiBox AI against unauthorized access, loss or destruction, unlawful processing, and any processing that is inconsistent with the purposes set forth in this privacy policy. We also expect our service providers to protect information in the same manner. However, data transmissions over the Internet, mobile networks, wireless transmission, or electronic storage of information cannot be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Please note that we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us.



Storage Period AI Chat will strive to minimize the amount of personal information it collects and maintains and will delete personal data when it is no longer needed for collection purposes. AI Chat will store collected personal data during the term of the agreement and for 60 days after the termination of the agreement. Unless we receive a request from you to delete information, we will use the following criteria to determine how long we retain your information: -Our contractual obligations and rights with respect to the information; -Legal obligations to retain data for a certain period of time as required by applicable laws and regulations; -Statutes of limitations under applicable law; -Our legitimate business purposes;



User Rights Within the scope of what is required by law in your jurisdiction, you may have one or more of the following rights. Before exercising any of these rights, you may consult with your legal advisor if your jurisdiction's laws provide for these rights. (1) Right to Know Users have the right to clear, transparent, and easily understandable information about how HiBox AI collects and uses personal data and their rights. This is why HiBox AI provides users with information in this privacy policy. (2) Right to Rectify Users have the right to request correction if their personal data is inaccurate or incomplete. (3) Right to Restrict Processing In certain cases, users have the right to "block" or prohibit further use of their personal data. (4) Right to Opt-Out of Sale of Personal Information Users have the right to "opt-out" of the sale of their personal information to third parties. (5) Right to Object to Processing Users have the right to object to the processing of their personal data for specific reasons at any time. (6) Right to Lodge a Complaint Users have the right to lodge a complaint with their national supervisory authority regarding HiBox AI's processing or handling of their personal data. (7) Right to Withdraw Consent If users consent to specific processing of their personal data by HiBox AI, they have the right to withdraw their consent at any time. If users do so, it does not mean that anything HiBox AI has done with their personal data before that time was illegal, but HiBox AI will not use their personal data for that purpose in the future. (8) Right to Define Instructions Users have the right to define general or specific instructions regarding the storage, deletion, and use of their personal data after their death.




Children's Privacy

We do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals who have not reached the minimum age as stipulated in this Privacy Policy. You must be at least 14 years old or the age of majority in your jurisdiction (whichever is greater) to use our services. Individuals below the applicable age may only use our services through their parent or legal guardian's account and under their supervision. In accordance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, if we become aware that we have collected personal information of children under the age of 13 without parental consent, we will promptly delete such information.

Revision of this Privacy Policy

Occasionally, we may make changes to this Privacy Policy (or other documents related to privacy policy) to allow HiBox AI to use or share your personal data in different ways. For new users, changes will take effect immediately after being posted. For existing users, changes will take effect after being posted if they are significant. We encourage you to regularly review the Privacy Policy to stay informed about our privacy practices.

Contacting AI Chat

If users need to contact HiBox AI for any reason (including to exercise the data protection-related rights described above), please contact HiBox AI will take action based on the user's request and provide information free of charge, unless the request is clearly unfounded or excessive (especially due to its repetitive nature), in which case HiBox AI may charge a reasonable fee (taking into account the administrative cost of providing information or communication or taking the action requested) or refuse to take the requested action.